Manage Visuals

This applies to: Visual Data Discovery

Symphony includes a wide array of different visual styles and tools you can use visualize and explore your data.

Visuals take data from your data sources so you can present information in an easy to view, adjust, and update layout. You can create visuals that are used in multiple dashboards, stored and shared among Symphony users in the Visual Gallery, or local visuals unique to a single dashboard.

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Visual Gallery visuals are visuals created by users and saved in the Visual Gallery. Share these visuals with other users to use in multiple dashboards. Any changes you make and save to a visual are reflected on all dashboards that include the shared visual.

Local visuals are visuals created by users directly on a dashboard. These visuals are unique to the dashboard. Any changes you make are saved when you save the dashboard.

This section links multiple articles to guide you through setting up and exploring your data using Symphony's robust capabilities.