Delete and Remove Visuals

This applies to: Visual Data Discovery

You can remove visuals from dashboards and delete them from the Symphony instance in the Visual Gallery. You cannot delete a visual if it is used by any dashboard.

If you try to delete a visual, dashboard, dashboard link, data source, or data source field, Symphony displays an error message naming any objects dependent on the item you’re trying to delete. You can delete the item after you’ve removed the association from the dependent object.

Remove a Visual From a Dashboard

To remove a visual from your dashboard:

  1. Edit the dashboard. See Edit a Data Discovery Dashboard.

  2. Select the visual to be removed.

  3. Select Remove Widget on the visual drop-down () menu. A removal confirmation dialog opens.

    To control whether a visual can be removed, use the interactivity sidebar. See Control How Users Interact With a Visual.

  4. Select Delete on the warning dialog to confirm the removal.

Delete a Visual from the Visual Gallery

A visual can only be deleted from the Visual Gallery when it is not used in any dashboard. If the Usage column for a visual in the Visual Gallery shows any number except zero, the option to delete the visual is disabled.

To delete visuals, you must be logged in as an administrator or as a user belonging to a group with the privilege Administer Visuals enabled.

To delete a visual from the Visual Gallery:

  1. Access the Visual Gallery. See Use the Visual Gallery.

  2. Locate the visual in the Visual Gallery.

  3. Select the delete icon () in the Actions column associated with the visual. A pop-up dialog is shown, verifying the deletion.

  4. Select Delete on the warning dialog to confirm the deletion.