Add Visuals to a Dashboard

This applies to: Visual Data Discovery

When you create or edit a dashboard, you can create and add a new local visual, or add an existing visual from the Visual Gallery. Local visual use the dashboard's permission set. See Add Local Visuals to a Dashboard and Add Existing Visuals to a Dashboard.

Local visuals exist only on the dashboard on which they were created. Convert to a Visual Gallery visual and add to the Visual Gallery at any time. Visual gallery visuals can be converted to a local visual at any time. See Convert Visual Gallery Visuals and Local Visuals.

Add a local visual to a dashboard:

  1. Create or edit a dashboard.

    1. Users with the Administer Dashboards privilege can create dashboards and add new local visuals to dashboards.
    2. Users with Owner and Editor access levels to a dashboard can add new local visuals to the dashboard.
  2. Select add icon on the dashboard icon bar. A drop-down menu appears.

    add a new visual or add an existing visual

  3. Select Add New Visual to add a local visual to the dashboard. The Select a Source dialog appears.

  4. Select a data source on the Step 1 of 2: Select a Source dialog. The Select a Visual Type dialog appears.

  5. Select a visual style on the Step 2 of 2: Select Visual Type   dialog. The visual is created and added to the dashboard.

    Local visuals are unique to the dashboard, and are deleted when the dashboard is deleted. Changes to a local visual do not affect other dashboards.

  6. Optionally, click on the display name and change it. See Visual Names and Display Names.

    The minimum length of visual names and display names is one character; the maximum length is 255 characters. Names can start with and contain numbers, special characters, and uppercase and lowercase characters. Names can contain spaces, but cannot start with a space. Names can't be empty, contain only spaces, or include leading or trailing spaces.

    If you try to save a local visual in a dashboard that has the same name as another visual, the visual is saved with a number in parentheses (<n>) at the end of the name to make it unique to the dashboard.

  7. Modify and make any other changes to the visual you need.

  8. Save your dashboard. If you close the dashboard without saving it, the local visual is not saved.

Add an existing visual to a dashboard from the Visual Gallery:

  1. Create or edit a dashboard.

    • Users with the Administer Dashboards privilege can create dashboards and add visuals to dashboards.
    • Users with Owner and Editor access levels to a dashboard can add visuals they can access to the dashboard.
  2. Select add icon on the dashboard icon bar. A drop-down menu appears.

    add a new visual or add an existing visual

  3. Select Add Existing Visual to add an existing visual to the dashboard. The Select a Visual dialog appears.

  4. Select a visual from the Visual Gallery in the Select a Visual work area. The visual is added to the dashboard in a widget.

  5. Modify the visual as needed.

  6. Save your dashboard.