Manage the Teradata Connector

This applies to: Visual Data Discovery

The Symphony Teradata connector lets you access the data available in Teradata databases using the Symphony client. The Symphony Teradata connector supports Teradata version 16.20.

Before you can establish a connection from Symphony to Teradata storage, a connector server needs to be installed and configured. See Manage Connectors and Connector Servers for general instructions and Connect to Teradata in Data Discovery for details specific to the Teradata connector.

After the connector has been set up, you can create data source configurations that specify the necessary connection information and identify the data you want to use. See Manage Visual Data Discovery Data Source Configurations for more information. After data sources are configured, they can be used to create dashboards and visuals from your data. See Create Data Discovery Dashboards.

Feature Support

Connector support for specific features is shown in the following table.

Key: Y - Supported; N - Not Supported; N/A - not applicable

Feature Supported?
Admin-Defined Functions Y
Box Plots Y
Custom SQL Queries Y
Derived Fields (Row-Level Expressions) Y
Distinct Counts Y
Fast Distinct Values N/A
Group By Multiple Fields Y
Group By Time Y
Group By UNIX Time Y
Histogram Floating Point Values Y
Histograms Y
Kerberos Authentication N
Last Value Y
Live Mode and Playback Y
Multivalued Fields N/A
Nested Fields N/A
Partitions N
Pushdown Joins for Fusion Data Sources Y
Schemas Y
Text Search N/A
User Delegation N
Wildcard Filters Y
Wildcard Filters, Case-Insensitive Mode Y
Wildcard Filters, Case-Sensitive Mode Y

Connect to Teradata in Data Discovery

The Teradata connector requires a JDBC driver to be configured before you can connect to your data source. You can download the driver from the vendor's site. If you are upgrading, keep in mind you need to configure the JDBC driver. For more information and steps, see Add a JDBC Driver.

You can limit the list of available collections in a Teradata data store to collections from a specific schema specified in the Teradata JDBC URL. Use the Teradata JDBC URL database property to limit the list of available schemas as well as the list of available collections to collections from the schema.  For example:


Be sure to work with your Teradata database administrator when you do this.

Connecting to Teradata in Managed Dashboards

This applies to: Managed Dashboards, Managed Reports

This article shows you how to use the Teradata data provider in a Symphony Managed data connector.

You can also use ODBC or JDBC drivers to connect to Teradata.

Main article: Connect to data and view it on a dashboard

Install the Driver

The Teradata data provider requires drivers to be installed on the server or computer where Symphony was installed.

If you are using multiple servers to run Symphony, this is needed for each server installation.


For Symphony installations on Linux, including Docker images and Kubernetes, download the Teradata .NET Data Provider NuGet Package. This file has a .nupkg extension but is a ZIP file that you can extract to find Teradata.Client.Provider.dll in the /lib/netstandard2.0 folder or similar.

You will need the .NET Standard or .NET Core version of this file, not the .NET Framework version that may instead be located in a folder such as net461.

The DLL needs to be placed in this location within the Symphony instance's files:

/usr/share/dundas/bi/Files/{Instance Name}/www/BIWebsite/App_Data/ExtensionsLib/netcore/Teradata.Client.Provider.dll

For a Docker image, the instance name is Container. Otherwise, you can find the App_Data folder within your Symphony installation's folder, create two additional subdirectories ExtensionsLib/netcore/ (if they do not exist), and place the DLL within netcore.

Ensure the permissions allow the dundasbi group to read and execute the new file (e.g., chgrp dundasbi Teradata.Client.Provider.dll and chmod 751 Teradata.Client.Provider.dll). Restart the Symphony service to ensure the DLL is loaded (e.g., for a Symphony instance, restart the website service).

Create a Data Connector

Set Data Provider to Teradata when creating a new data connector.

Connecting to Teradata

See Also