Configuration Property Files

This applies to: Visual Data Discovery

Symphony uses the configuration files in the following table to ensure successful deployment in your operating environment. You can edit many of the properties and options in these files. You can edit them in /etc/zoomdata as described in Edit a Symphony Configuration File.

insightsoftware discourages changing properties in the /opt/zoomdata/conf directory (Linux) or <install-path>/conf (Windows). Copy the files you want to change to the /etc/zoomdata directory (Linux) or <install-path>/conf-modify (Windows) and change them there. This will ensure that your changes are not overwritten when Symphony is next upgraded.

Quickly determine what changes you've made to a properties file using diff in Linux. For example:

diff /opt/zoomdata/conf/edc-<connector-name>.properties /etc/zoomdata/<edc-<connector-name>.properties


diff /opt/zoomdata/conf/ /etc/zoomdata/

For Windows environments, use your preferred diff utility to compare the differences between your original and updated property files.

File Defines....
admin-server.jvm JVM options related to the Symphony Service Monitor. Configuration properties related to the Symphony Service Monitor.
config-server.jvm JVM options related to the Symphony configuration microservice. Configuration properties related to the Symphony configuration microservice.
consul.json Settings related to the Symphony Service Discovery microservice. For a description of these settings, see
data-writer-postgresql.jvm JVM options related to the Data Writer microservice's Postgres relational database. Configuration properties related to the Data Writer microservice's Postgres relational database.
edc-<connector>.jvm JVM options related to the specific Symphony connector microservice. For example, edc-impala.jvm contains JVM options for the Symphony Cloudera Impala connector microservice. See Connector Properties and Property Files.
edc-<connector>.properties Configuration properties related to the specific Symphony connector microservice. For example, contains configuration properties for the Symphony Cloudera Impala connector microservice. See Connector Properties and Property Files.
query-engine.jvm JVM options related to the Symphony query engine. See Manage the Symphony Query Engine. Configuration properties related to the Symphony query engine. See Query Engine Properties.
screenshot-service.jvm JVM options related to Symphony Screenshot microservice processing. Configuration properties related to Symphony Screenshot microservice processing. See Properties.
zoomdata.jvm JVM options (e.g. memory configuration) and Java system properties (e.g. timezone, temp directory, etc.) related to Symphony. See zoomdata.jvm Options. Configuration properties related to Symphony. See Properties.