zoomdata.properties Properties

This applies to: Visual Data Discovery

The zoomdata.properties file can be edited in the /etc/zoomdata directory. Each property is described in the table below.

Some situations where the zoomdata.properties file needs to be updated include:

For information on editing configuration files, see Edit a Symphony Configuration File.

Property Default Value Description
access.control.allow.origin * By default, CORS is set to --- in the Symphony Server. You can set CORS to restrict access:


For more information, see Enable Visual Data Discovery Component Access From Other Sites Using Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS).

logs.dir <ZD_install_directory> /logs

Path to Symphony logs. The placeholder <ZD_install_directory> is replaced with the actual location where Symphony is installed.

Verify that this log directory has all the necessary permissions and that the owner of the directory is set to zoomdata.

The /home directory cannot be used for logging.

Example: logs.dir=/opt/<composer>/logs)

saml.maxAuthAge 86400 Sets the timeout for SAML, in seconds. The default is 24 hours.

Example: saml.maxAuthAge=86400

server.compression.enabled true

Enables gzip compression for http requests.

Example: server.compression.enabled=true

server.port 8080 The default server port, which is set to use http. Prior releases used http.port
server.servlet.context-path /composer

Example: server.servlet.context-path=/composer

server.session-timeout 1800 seconds Sets when your Symphony session will timeout (in seconds).

Example: server.session-timeout=1800

If you alter this value, also alter the value of the zoomdata.server.ws.idle.timeout property to match it.

source.attribute.values.limit 1000 Sets the limit for the number of attribute values that can be displayed in the Filter list.

Example: source.attribute.values.limit=1000

spring.servlet.multipart.max-file-size 500Mb

Example: spring.servlet.multipart.max-file-size=500Mb

spring.servlet.multipart.max-request-size 500Mb

Example: spring.servlet.multipart.max-request-size=500Mb

zoomdata.server.ws.idle.timeout 1800000 ms Idle time that allows the WebSocket to be still valid. If you alter this value, also alter the value of the server.session-timeout property to match it.
Source Metadata Properties
zoomdata.source.refresh.metadata.cache.timeout.minutes 10080 (one week) Sets the default time-to-live for cache values, in minutes.
zoomdata.source.refresh.values.maxDistinctValues 100000 Sets the number of queried distinct values that can be stored in cache.
Encryption Properties
security.encryption.algorithm   The encryption algorithm used for file encryption.
security.encryption.key.algorithm   The algorithm type of the encryption key used for file encryption.
Keystore Properties
keystore.location classpath:security/zoomkeystore.jks Symphony uses symmetric encryption. You can point to a new keystore to strengthen security.

Example: keystore.location=classpath:security/zoomkeystore.jks

See Create a Symmetric Key to Encrypt Data Source Passwords for further guidance.

keystore.password zoomkey Lets you set up a unique password for the keystore.

Example: keystore.password=zoomkey

keystore.key.alias zoomkey

Example: keystore.key.alias=zoomkey

keystore.key.password zoomkey


Server SSL Properties
server.ssl.key-store <Symphony_install_directory>/conf/keystore Sets the path for the keystore location.

Example: server.ssl.key-store=HOME/conf/keystore

server.ssl.key-store-password changeit Stores the keystore password.

Example: server.ssl.key-store-password=<YourPassword>

SAML Configuration Properties
saml.artifactBindingDefault true

Example: saml.artifactBindingDefault=true

saml.useMultiValueList true

Example: saml.useMultiValueList=true

saml.stringDelimiter ,

Example: saml.stringDelimiter=;

Kerberized PostgreSQL Properties
spring.datasource.url jdbc:postgresql://<IP_address>:<port>/zoomdata The URL of the zoomdata database in the PostgreSQL metadata store.

Example: spring.datasource.url=jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/zoomdata

spring.datasource.username zoomdata The user name for the zoomdata database in the PostgreSQL metadata store.

Example: spring.datasource.username=zoomdata

spring.datasource.password --- The password associated with the user name for the zoomdata database in the PostgreSQL metadata store.
keyset.destination.params.jdbc_url jdbc:postgresql://<IP_address>:<port>/zoomdata-keyset The URL of the zoomdata-keyset database in the PostgreSQL metadata store.

Example: keyset.destination.params.jdbc_url=jdbc:postgresql://

keyset.destination.params.user_name zoomdata The user name for the zoomdata-keyset database in the PostgreSQL metadata store.

Example: keyset.destination.params.user_name=zoomdata

keyset.destination.params.password --- The password associated with the user name for the zoomdata-keyset database in the PostgreSQL metadata store.
upload.destination.params.jdbc_url jdbc:postgresql://<IP_address>:<port>/zoomdata-upload The URL of the zoomdata-upload database in the PostgreSQL metadata store.

Example: upload.destination.params.jdbc_url=jdbc:postgresql://

upload.destination.params.user_name zoomdata The user name for the zoomdata-upload database in the PostgreSQL metadata store.

Example: upload.destination.params.user_name=zoomdata

upload.destination.params.password --- The password associated with the user name for the zoomdata-upload database in the PostgreSQL metadata store.
Source Sampling Properties
source.sampling.rows 1000

Example: source.sampling.rows=1000

source.attribute.values.limit 1000

Example: source.attribute.values.limit=1000

Logging Properties

Sets the host IP address for Fluentd server message logging. For more information, see Set Up Unified Logging Using Fluentd.

Example: logging.unified.host=


Sets the log level for messages logged to the Fluentd server. The following options are available for this property: TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, and OFF. If set to OFF, Fluentd unified logging is disabled. For more information, see Set Up Unified Logging Using Fluentd.

Example: logging.unified.level=INFO

logging.unified.port 24224

Sets the port for Fluentd server message logging. For more information, see Set Up Unified Logging Using Fluentd.

Example: logging.unified.port=1234

logging.unified.tag zoomdata-server

Sets the microservice tag name for messages logged to the Fluentd server. This is important because the tag identifies the microservice to which the log messages apply. Valid values are query-engine, zoomdata-server, stream-writer, upload-service, and edc-<connector-name> (where <connector-name> is one of the names listed in Connector Properties and Property Files). For more information, see Set Up Unified Logging Using Fluentd.

Example: logging.unified.tag = zoomdata-server

syslog.host Sets the host IP address for Syslog server message logging.

Example: syslog.host=

syslog.log.level OFF Sets the syslog log level for messages logged to the Syslog server. The following options are available for this property: TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, and OFF.

Example: syslog.log.level=DEBUG

syslog.port 1514 Sets the port for Syslog server message logging.

Example: syslog.port=1514

syslog.suffix local Specifies a suffix that is appended at the end of the Syslog server log entry that Symphony generates.

Example: syslog.suffix=local

Password Policy
auth.password.policy.specialCharacters !@#$%^&*()-_=+,.:;<>
auth.password.policy.minCharacters 9
auth.password.policy.maxCharacters 255
auth.password.policy.minLowercaseCharacters 1
auth.password.policy.minUppercaseCharacters 1
auth.password.policy.minNumericCharacters 1
auth.password.policy.minSpecialCharacters 1
auth.password.policy.helpMessage Password must contain at least 9 characters including 1 lowercase, 1 uppercase, 1 number and 1 special (!@#$%^&*()-_=+,.:;<>). Text is not enclosed in quotation marks.
Data Export Properties
zoomdata.export.data.max.cols 1000 columns

Use this property to define the maximum number of columns that can be exported for two-dimensional visuals (such as a pivot table). Symphony enforces this limit for visual data, but does not enforce it for raw data.

The distributed default for this setting is 1000 columns. Valid values can range from 0 through 2147483647 columns.

zoomdata.export.data.max.rows 100000 rows

Use this property to define the maximum number of rows that can be exported for visuals. Symphony enforces this limit for visual data. However, for raw data, Symphony produces an error if the number of rows requested for export exceeds this setting.

The distributed default for this setting is 100000 rows. Valid values can range from 0 through 2147483647 rows.

Screenshot Microservice Client & Dashboard Scheduling Properties
screenshot.service.name screenshot-service  
screenshot.service.url http://localhost:8083/  
screenshot.service.http.client.connect.timeout.milliseconds 10000 milliseconds Specifies the number of milliseconds that can elapse before Symphony stops trying to connect to the screenshot microservice client.
screenshot.service.http.client.read.timeout.milliseconds 60000 milliseconds

Specifies the number of milliseconds that can elapse before Symphony stops trying to read from the screenshot microservice client.

Note: If you increase the time set by the dashboard.scheduling.screenshot.timeout property, make sure that you increase the value of this property as well. The total time set by screenshot.service.http.client.read.timeout.milliseconds should always be greater than or equal to the time set by the dashboard.scheduling.screenshot.timeout property. Bear in mind that this property is specified in milliseconds, but the dashboard.scheduling.screenshot.timeout property is specified in seconds.

screenshot.service.http.client.write.timeout.milliseconds 60000 milliseconds Specifies the number of milliseconds that can elapse before Symphony stops trying to write to the screenshot microservice client.
dashboard.scheduling.screenshot.png.height 720 pixels Identifies the height (in pixels) of the screenshot PNG file that will be sent.
dashboard.scheduling.screenshot.png.width 1280 pixels Identifies the width (in pixels) of the screenshot PNG file that will be sent.
dashboard.scheduling.screenshot.timeout 60 seconds

Specifies the timeout (in seconds) to take a screenshot for a dashboard email report.

Note: The time specified by this property must be less than or equal to the time set by the screenshot.service.http.client.read.timeout.milliseconds property. If you increase the value of this property, make sure that you increase the value of the screenshot.service.http.client.read.timeout.milliseconds property accordingly. Bear in mind that this property is specified in seconds, but the screenshot.service.http.client.read.timeout.milliseconds property is specified in milliseconds.

mail.from   Specifies the email address identifying where the email comes from.
mail.login   Specifies the email login to use to access the mail server.
mail.password   Specifies the password associated with the email login identified in the mail.login property.

In addition, JavaMail API properties (Symphony supports both IMAP and SMTP protocols) should be added to the zoomdata.properties file to identify the mail server and other mail properties required to use that server to send the scheduled dashboard (for example, mail.smtp.auth, mail.smtp.host, mail.smtp.port, mail.imap.host, and mail.imap.port). Complete descriptions of IMAP and SMTP protocol JavaMail properties can be found at these links:

Field Settings
zoomdata.detect.type.attribute.max.length 200 characters Use this property to set the maximum character length of attribute fields. If this limit is exceeded, the field will be recognized as a Text field.