Edit a Symphony Configuration File

This applies to: Visual Data Discovery

You can edit the properties for your Symphony configuration in the configuration files. For a complete list of configuration files, see Configuration Property Files.

insightsoftware discourages changing properties in the /opt/zoomdata/conf directory (Linux) or <install-path>/conf (Windows). Copy the files you want to change to the /etc/zoomdata directory (Linux) or <install-path>/conf-modify (Windows) and change them there. This will ensure that your changes are not overwritten when Symphony is next upgraded.

Quickly determine what changes you've made to a properties file using diff in Linux. For example:

diff /opt/zoomdata/conf/edc-<connector-name>.properties /etc/zoomdata/<edc-<connector-name>.properties


diff /opt/zoomdata/conf/zoomdata.properties /etc/zoomdata/zoomdata.properties

For Windows environments, use your preferred diff utility to compare the differences between your original and updated property files.

To edit a Symphony configuration file in Linux:

  1. From your terminal, SSH to your Symphony server.

  2. Stop the appropriate Symphony microservice (Symphony, Screenshot, or the specific connector server).

    For the appropriate Linux command, see Stop Symphony Microservices.

  3. Use the following command to access and open the configuration file:

    vi /etc/zoomdata/<config-file-name>

    For example:

    vi /etc/zoomdata/zoomdata.properties

    Names of valid configuration files are listed in Configuration Property Files.

    If the configuration file does not exist, this command creates it.

    If you are not logged in as a root user, then you need to enter sudo vi /etc/zoomdata/zoomdata.properties to create the desired file.

    Make sure the file is readable by the zoomdata microservice account.

  4. Add the new variable or property into the file on a new line or edit an existing one, as needed. See:

  5. Save and exit the configuration file.

  6. Restart Symphony microservices.

    For the appropriate Linux command line, see Restart Symphony Microservices.