zoomdata.jvm Options

This applies to: Visual Data Discovery

The zoomdata.jvm file contains JVM options (e.g. memory configuration) and Java system properties (e.g. timezone, temp directory, etc.) related to Symphony. The table below describes the options you can adjust.

Situations where the zoomdata.jvm file needs to be edited include:

For information on editing configuration files, see Edit a Symphony Configuration File.

Option Default Value Description
DEBUG_ENABLED 0/false Toggle switch to enable or disable the Java debug capability. To enable, enter '1' or 'true'.

Example: DEBUG_ENABLED=false

DEBUG_PORT 9393 The default port for the Java debug capability.

Example: DEBUG_PORT=9393

JAVA_OPTS -Xss256k -Xms2048m -Xmx8192m Java-related options for JVM. Refer to Oracle's article on Java HotSpot VM Options for information.
KERBEROS_CONFIG /etc/krb5.conf Default location for the Kerberos configuration details. However, the path to the file may be different in your environment. Refer to Oracle's article on File Formats for information.
KERBEROS_PRINCIPAL hdfs@HADOOP.COM Kerberos principal name
KERBEROS_KEYTAB /etc/zoomdata/zoomdata.keytab Kerberos keytab location
PROXY_HOST user-defined For cloud-based connectors (including Google Analytics and Salesforce) being used in a proxy configuration, this property specifies the server host to be returned for calls, and identifies the proxy host server that will provide internet access.
PROXY_PORT user-defined For cloud-based connectors (including Google Analytics and Salesforce) being used in a proxy configuration, this property specifies the server port to be returned for calls, and identifies the proxy port server that will provide internet access.