Connect to a Kerberized CDH Cluster

This applies to: Visual Data Discovery

A secure CDH Cluster uses Kerberos authentication to validate and confirm access requests. You can set up Symphony to connect to the secure CDH Cluster using the instructions provided below. Before establishing a connection to either type of cluster, review the prerequisites and be sure to obtain your Kerberos credentials.


  • Kerberos authentication requires precise time correspondence on all instances to work properly. You need to enable the Network Time Protocol service in your network. For more information, access the topic Using the Network Time Protocol to Synchronize Time.

Obtain Kerberos Credentials

Each microservice must have its own unique identifier called a principal. Perform the following steps:

  1. Install the Kerberos client on the machine where Symphony Impala connector is installed.

  2. Generate the Kerberos principal and corresponding keytab for Symphony microservice. Before you proceed, make sure that:

    • Symphony or a Connector is running on a node with proper Kerberos configuration: /etc/krb5.conf or similar location for your Linux distribution.
    • The Kerberos realm on your environment is the same as the realm specified in the kdc.conf file from Impala server.
  3. Check the Kerberos configuration (that is, krb5.conf) and validity of the principal and keytab pair using MIT Kerberos client:

    kinit -V -k -t zoomdata_principal .keytab zoomdata_principal@KERBEROS.REALM
  4. Make the keytab accessible for the Symphony Server or a connector:

    sudo mkdir /etc/zoomdata
    sudo mv zoomdata_principal.keytab /etc/zoomdata
    sudo chown zoomdata:zoomdata /etc/zoomdata/zoomdata_principal.keytab
    sudo chmod 600 /etc/zoomdata/zoomdata_principal.keytab

Configure an Impala Connector

  1. Create or update the file named /etc/zoomdata/ If this file already exists, verify that the information below exists in the file:

  2. Restart the Impala connector:

    sudo systemctl restart zoomdata-edc-impala

Configure a Cloudera Search Connector

  1. Create or update the file named /etc/zoomdata/ If this file already exists, verify that the information below exists in the file:

  2. Restart the Cloudera Search microservice:

    sudo systemctl restart zoomdata-edc-cloudera-search

Connect to a Kerberized Data Source

You are now ready to create the Cloudera Search or Impala source:

  1. Open a new browser window and log into Symphony.

  2. Select Sources.

  3. Select Cloudera Search or Impala.

  4. Specify the name of your source and add a description (if desired). Select Next.

  5. On the Connection tab, define the connection source. You can use an existing connection, if available, or create a new one. To create a new connection, select the Input New Credentials option button and specify the connection name and JDBC URL. Make sure that you enter the JDBC URL in the correct format.

    For Impala, specify:


    For Cloudera Search, specify:


    The JDBC URL for Cloudera Search needs to be the zookeeper URL of the Kerberized cluster.

    Replace the placeholders as follows:

    • For <impala_host>, enter the IP address/host name of the Impala node you are connecting to.
    • For <impala_principal@KERBEROS.REALM>, enter the principal of the node you are connecting to. To get the list of all Impala principals, navigate to Cloudera Manager > Administration > Security > Kerberos Credentials.

  6. Select Validate. After successful validation, the values are saved. Select Next.

    If you run into connection issues, verify that the Symphony Server was restarted successfully. Access the troubleshooting topic Verify the Symphony Server Restart for assistance.

You can continue configuring the data source as needed.

After you have completed the configuration, Symphony begins accessing the data source using zoomdata_principal@KERBEROS.REALM authenticated by its keytab in /etc/zoomdata/zoomdata_principal.keytab.

Use TLS Encryption with Kerberos Authentication

See Connect to Impala with TLS (SSL) Enabled for more details.