Maintain Application Properties

This applies to: Visual Data Discovery

After the Symphony configuration microservice has been configured and started, you can use the Properties tab in the Service Monitor to maintain the configuration properties of Symphony's other microservices. For information about specific Symphony properties and property files, see Configuration Property Files.

To maintain configuration properties using the Service Monitor:

  1. Using a web browser, navigate to the Service Monitor for the Symphony instance. Its default port is 8050. For example, if running locally, the Symphony instance would be http://localhost:8080, so the Service Monitor URL would be http://localhost:8050. If your Symphony instance is at IP address, the Service Monitor URL would be

    A login screen will appear.

  2. Log into the Service Monitor using the Service Monitor user name and password you defined when the Service Monitor was installed. See Install and Configure the Symphony Service Monitor.

  3. Select Properties on the main menu bar.

    The Properties page appears.

  4. Select a Symphony microservice in the Service drop-down list. The properties for the microservice are listed. The screenshot above lists all the properties in the file used by the zoomdata microservice.

    See Symphony Data Discovery Microservice Name Reference for a list of Symphony's microservices. If a microservice is not listed in the Service drop-down list, that Symphony microservice is not yet set up to use the configuration server or the microservice is down.

  5. Locate the microservice property in the list that you want to change.

    • The list of properties can be sorted alphabetically by key or value. Select the Key or Value list heading to sort the properties in ascending or descending order.
    • You can locate a property in the list by typing all or part of its name in the Search box at the top of the page.
  6. Change the value of the property in the Value box associated with the microservice property you located.

    Be careful changing properties. Some properties should not be changed, except with the help of Symphony Technical Support. The results of property changes could be unpredictable, if they are not made correctly.

    See Configuration Property Files for a list of the property files and links to descriptions of the properties for which changes are approved.

  7. Select Save Properties to save your property changes.

  8. Select Apply Updates to apply the property changes to your running Symphony instance. Symphony dynamically stops and restarts the appropriate Symphony microservices.