Create a New Tenant

When you create a new tenant in Symphony, you're creating an isolated work area for specific clients, departments, or lines of business.

You must have the appropriate licensing from insightsoftware to see this option.

You'll need to create the tenant in Visual Data Discovery as well as Managed Dashboards and Reports, then complete further steps to get the tenant ready for your users.

Create a tenant in Visual Data Discovery and define an admin user

  1. Log in as a Supervisor user.

    The default supervisor user is no longer installed; add users to the Supervisors group instead.

  2. Select Tools > Multi-Tenancy from the main menu. The Multi-Tenancy work area opens.

  3. Select Add Tenant to add a new tenant. The Create New Tenant work area opens.

  4. Add a Tenant name.

    This name must be unique, and must match the tenant you create in Managed Dashboards and Reports. This field is case sensitive: insightsoftware strongly recommends you user lowercase characters only.

  5. Next, add at least one Admin user in Visual Data Discovery.

    • Select Create A New Admin User and provide a User name and password information for this Admin user. This name must be unique, and this field is case sensitive: insightsoftware strongly recommends you use lowercase characters only.

  6. After you have selected an Admin user or created a new Admin user, select Create Tenant to create the tenant. The work area closes, returning you to the Multi-Tenancy work area.

    If the tenant name does not appear in the list right away, it will appear after all steps are complete.

  7. Log out of Symphony as the Supervisor user.

Create a tenant in Managed Dashboards and Reports

If you're installing Symphony for the first time, any user not associated with a tenant uses the tenant Visual Data Discovery.

  1. Log in to Symphony as a system Admin user.

  2. Open the Managed Dashboards work area. Your main dashboards work area opens.

  3. Select Profile > Administration from the main menu. The Symphony Overview work area opens, including an expanded main menu with administration options.

  4. Select SaaS / Multi-Tenancy > Tenants. The Tenants work area opens.

  5. Create the tenant entry for Managed Dashboards and Reports by selecting Add New. An Add Tenant modal opens.

  6. Enter the exact same tenant Name you created as a Supervisor user in Visual Data Discovery.

  7. Select Save to save your tenant and allow all modules of Symphony to communicate and share resources for that tenant.

After you successfully create the tenant following the steps above, you'll define the same tenant admin user(s) in Symphony as you in did in Visual Data Discovery. You'll create tenant's project, set up access to their data discovery connector, and create users within the tenant.

For more information, see: