Create a Fusion Data Source

This applies to: Visual Data Discovery

Fusing data into a Fusion data source in Symphony Data Discovery is very similar to adding other data sources. Add multiple entities to a new or existing data source, then use the Join Definition work area to identify and specify the data from those entities you want to join.

For an overview of Symphony’s data fusion capability, see Fuse Data Sources.

You must log in as a user with the Administer Sources or Create New Data Sources privilege, or write permission for the source for which you want to create a join.

Before You Start

Before you attempt to create a Fusion data source, verify you can access the data sore connections you need are configured in Symphony. If not, create them. See Manage Data Discovery Data Store Connections.

Configure a Fusion Data Source

To create a Fusion data source, add multiple data entities to a new or existing source, then use the Join Definition work area to specify the fields and joins included in your fused source.

Add Joins to a New or Existing Data Source

  1. Log in as a user with the Administer Sources or Create New Data Sources privilege, or write permission for the source for which you want to create a join.

  2. Select the Sources option from the main menu. The Sources page appears.

  3. Create or edit an existing data source, adding multiple entities From Connection or From File. You will only see the connections you have read permission for. See About Data Source Permissions.

    If your data source contains multiple data entities, you must use all entities in a join to save the source.

  4. Select Add in the Join Definition work area. A Join Settings work area opens.

  5. Define your entities, join type, and fields.

    Ensure you have matching fields across the data sources you are joining.

    • Entity Left: Select an available entity from the data entities you defined.

    • Join Type: Select Left, Inner, or Full Outer.

    • Entity Right: Select an available entity from the data entities you defined.

    • Enable Dimension Entity: Select the gear () icon to enable dimension for one or both entities. This improves the performance of queries execution by removing unused data entities from the join.

    • Field Left: Select at least one field from this entity. You can add multiple fields by selecting the add field (add icon) button, or remove fields by selecting the remove () button.

    • Field Right: Select at least one field from this entity. You can add multiple fields by selecting the add field (add icon) button, or remove fields by selecting the remove () button.

  6. Select Apply to finish creating the join. Symphony names the join and adds it to the Joins list. Remove joins by selecting the remove () button.

  7. After creating your joins, select Preview Source to preview your data, or select Save Source to save your updated data source.

  8. As needed, update the default settings on the Fields tab, Cache tab, or Global Settings tab.

Fields Tab for Fusion Data Sources

Use the Fields tab to manage your fused source data: rename field Labels, add derived fields, or select the custom metrics tab add a custom metric. If your fused data sources include duplicate field names, Symphony appends a number to the duplicate field name.

Cache Tab for Fusion Data Sources

Use the Cache tab to enable or disable caching of aggregated results of queries for this source. See How Symphony Caches Data.

Global Settings Tab for Fusion Data Sources

Use the Global Settings tab to configure settings for new visuals for this fused data source. Not all visual styles are available for Fusion data sources. See Data Fusion Limitations.