Configure Date and Time Formatting - Data Sources

This applies to: Visual Data Discovery

As a user with data source privileges, configure date and time for Time fields in a data source at creation, or later when you edit an existing source. This defines the default format for time fields as displayed in visuals, data details of visuals, and sample format fields for consistency across your organization.

There are three places to control the format of date and time information.

If you change the format for dates and times for a field used by current visuals in your data source, the formats used in the visual reflect those changes. If you adjust the granularity of a field in your data source, the change is reflected in the granularity modal of the visual after the change.

To specify the format for Time fields in a data source configuration:

  1. Log in as a user with the Administer Sources or Create New Data Sources privilege, or write permission for this source.

  2. Select Sources from the main menu. The Sources page appears.

  3. Select to edit the appropriate data source configuration, and switch to the Fields tab.

  4. Locate the time field you want to modify. The Data Type column on the Fields tab must define the field as a Time field.

  5. In the Settings sidebar menu, select the edit () button to open the Format work area.

    Set the format options for your data source date and time

  6. Format Option Description
    Second Select Numeric (0-59) or 2-Digit (00-59).
    Minute Select Numeric (0-59) or 2-Digit (00-59).
    Hour Select Numeric (1-24) or 2-Digit (01-24).

    Select a 12 or 24 hour format option for Hour12.

    • Auto displays the hour format defined in the source data.

    • True overrides the source format, displaying the hours in 12 hour format, with an appended AM or PM.

    • False overrides the source format, displaying the hours in 24 hour format.

    Day Select Numeric (1-7) or 2-Digit (01-07).
    Month Select Numeric (1-12), 2-Digit (01-12), Long (January, March), Short (Jan, Mar), or Narrow (J, M).
    Week Select WeekStart, WeekEnd, Range, Narrow (w1-w53), Numeric (1-53), or 2-Digit (01-53).
    Weekday Select Long (Friday, Sunday), Short (Fri, Sun), Narrow (F, S), or None. The default is None, to show no day of the week.
    Quarter Select Range, Narrow, Numeric (1-4), or 2-Digit (01-04). Selections for Quarter are applied only if the time granularity is set to Quarter.
    Year Select Numeric (2022) or 2-Digit (22).
  7. The changes you make are reflected in the Sample Date preview field.

  8. When you are finished formatting your date and time values, select Apply and examine your updates. If they are correct, select Save to save these changes to the source.