Symphony Alerts
This applies to: Managed Dashboards, Managed Reports
Managed Dashboard and Managed Reports Alerts
Notifications offer a way to send reminders, alerts, or the latest data using a managed dashboard, managed report, or other view in Symphony, based on a schedule or under certain conditions. The related view is exported and attached as an image, PDF, Excel, or another format.
For more information on managed dashboard alerts and notifications, see:
Scheduled Data Discovery Dashboard Reports
This applies to: Visual Data Discovery
You can generate scheduled data discovery dashboard reports and send them to your users who use Symphony, or external users to their email address. Send reports in PDF, PNG, Data (XLSX) > Raw Data or Data (XLSX) > Visual Data formats.
Log messages related to dashboard report scheduling are stored in the zoomdata.log
log file.
Specific prerequisites must be met to schedule dashboard reports. For more information, see: