Delete a Scheduled Dashboard Report

This applies to: Visual Data Discovery

Symphony enables you to delete scheduled dashboard reports you no longer need. This topic describes how to delete a scheduled dashboard report.

To delete a scheduled dashboard report:

  1. Log in as an administrator or a user with the Create Scheduled Reports  privilege.

  2. Select Library on the UI menu. Symphony displays the dashboard library.

  3. Select to view the dashboard library in list view.

  4. Locate the dashboard in the dashboard library list containing the scheduled dashboard report you want to remove.

  5. Select the schedule icon () in the associated Schedule column. Symphony displays the Scheduled Reports dialog box.
    Use this dialog box to schedule reports for you and other users.

    Scheduled dashboard reports for this dashboard that have already been defined appear on the left side of the dialog.

  6. Locate and select the scheduled report that you want to remove on the left side of the Scheduled Reports dialog. Symphony displays the settings for the report.

  7. Select Delete () next to the scheduled report name on the left side of the dialog. Symphony displays a warning.

  8. Select Delete to delete the scheduled dashboard report. Symphony removes the name of the scheduled report from the Scheduled Reports dialog box. Select Cancel if you do not want to delete the report.