Part 1: Custom Chart Basics

This applies to: Visual Data Discovery

This part of the custom chart tutorial introduces you to the Custom Chart CLI, how to create a chart with sample code, how to edit the chart’s code, and how to preview the chart. The following steps are performed in Part 1:

Step 1. Check Your Development Environment

Verify that you have everything set up to start creating custom charts with Symphony.

  • A valid version of node.js must be installed. Node.js is a programming tool for running JavaScript on servers and in your computer’s terminal. The Symphony custom chart CLI is built using node.js.

  • A valid version of npm must be installed. It is usually installed with node.js.

To verify that you have valid versions of node.js and npm installed:

  1. Open a terminal window on your computer.

  2. Enter node --version in the terminal window. The version of node.js installed on your computer is shown in the window. The minimum supported version of node.js by the Symphony custom chart CLI is version 10.

  3. Enter npm --version in the terminal window. The version of npm installed on your computer is shown in the window. The minimum supported version of npm supported by the Symphony custom chart CLI (composer-chart-cli)for Composer v7.10 and later is version 1.

If node.js and npm are not installed, go to and install the recommended version for your operating system.

Step 2. Install & Configure the Symphony Custom Chart CLI

Symphony uses the custom chart CLI to build, edit, and remove custom charts.

To install and configure the CLI:

  1. Enter the following command in the terminal window.

    npm install composer-chart-cli@1 -g
  2. After the CLI is installed, enter the following command in the terminal window:

    cmp-chart config
  3. The config command prompts you to supply the following information:

    • Your Symphony server URL.

    • The user name to use for authentication (typically: admin).

      You must be an administrator to manage custom charts.

    • The password for the user name.

  4. After entering this information, a prompt asks whether the configuration content should be stored in an encrypted file residing in your home directory (~/.config/composer/cmp-chart.pref). Enter y to finish configuring your environment.

  5. Verify that everything is set up correctly by listing the custom charts available on the configured server using the following command:

    cmp-chart ls

    If this Symphony server does not have any custom charts defined, the output of this command is an empty list. If the server does have custom charts defined, verify that they are correctly listed in the terminal window.

Step 3. Create a Custom Chart with Sample Code

You can specify one of three chart types to get you started:

  • Single Group

  • Multigroup

  • Raw

This tutorial uses the default Single Group template — a chart skeleton with minimal code designed to make you familiar with the basics of the custom chart API.

Complete the following steps to create a single-group custom chart:

  1. Enter the following command in the terminal window:

    cmp-chart init ./my-first-custom-chart
  2. The init command creates a directory in the specified path containing the files you need to get started. Here is a preview of the directory tree:

    The following table describes the function of each of the files.

    File Name Description
    package.json Lists the packages on which your chart depends. For more information, see
    visualization.json Contains information about the name, controls, and variables of your chart.
    webpack.config.js Contains configuration information for webpack. Webpack is used in charts to bundle your code into a single file. For more information, see
    src/index.js The main entry point to your chart’s Javascript code. Additional files can be used and imported into index.js.
    src/index.css The main entry point to your chart’s CSS (style sheet) code.
  3. Install the default devDependencies listed in the package.json file. This step is required before you can work with the chart’s code. In a terminal window, cd to your chart’s root directory and run the following command:

    npm install
  4. To use a similar naming convention as the out-of-the-box charts, update the chart’s name in the visualization.json file to “My First Custom Chart”. Save the file.

Step 4. Edit the Chart Code

Symphony’s custom charts are comprised of CSS and JS files that make up the chart’s code. The chart CLI lets you update the chart’s code in the server in one of two ways:

  • You can push an updated local copy of the chart back to the server.

  • You can use watch mode to continuously check for changes to the local component files and automatically update your Symphony server’s copy.

Throughout this tutorial, we continuously modify the code and preview the changes. It is best to use watch mode in this scenario.

To start watch mode:

  1. Compile a development version of the chart’s code using the webpack bundler. In the terminal window from the root directory of the chart, enter the following command:

    npm start
  2. In a different terminal window, push the chart for the first time to the configured server:

    cmp-chart push
  3. Set up watch mode to continuously update the chart on the Symphony server as the code changes. Enter the following command in the second terminal window:

    cmp-chart watch

    The npm start command instructs webpack to compile the code into a single visualization.js file and continuously watches for changes in the src files to update the chart as necessary. The cmp-chart watch command running in a separate terminal window starts watching for changes in the visualization.json and visualization.js files to push the chart changes back to the server.

  4. Open the src/index.js file in your preferred text editor or integrated development environment. Modify the code to output some text on the chart with the total number of records returned by the default query. Change the controller.update function in the src/index.js file to contain the code below:

    controller.update = data => {
    // Called when new data arrives
    controller.element.innerHTML =
    'The total # of records returned by this query is: ' + data.length;
  5. Return to the terminal window where watch mode is enabled. A message showing that the My First Custom Chart was updated should appear.

Step 5. Preview the Chart

Before you can preview the newly created chart in a dashboard in the Symphony UI, you must enable it for a specific source.

  1. Log into the Symphony UI as an administrator or a user with the Administer Sources privilege.

  2. Select the Sources option from the Tools menu in the main menu. The Sources page appears.

  3. On the Sources page, locate a data source configuration to edit, and select the more menu () button.

  4. Select Available Visual Types. The Available Visual Types work area for this source opens.

  5. Select the chart named "My First Custom Chart" and enable (toggle on) the custom chart in this data source. A message appears, confirming "My First Custom Chart" is enabled.

  6. When your changes are complete, close the Available Visual Types work area.

Now let’s take a look at the new chart in a Symphony dashboard.

  1. Log into Symphony as an administrator or a user who has been assigned to a group with the Administer Dashboards privilege.

  2. Select Library on the UI menu. The dashboard library displays.

  3. Select Add Dashboard. A blank dashboard appears showing options to add a new visual or place an existing visual.

  4. Select Add Visual to add a new visual to the dashboard. Select Place Existing Visual to place an existing visual on the dashboard.

  5. On the Step 1 of 2: Select a Source dialog, select the data source in which you enabled your custom chart. The Select a Visual Type dialog appears.

  6. Select your custom visual style ("My First Custom Chart") on the Step 2 of 2: Select Visual Type dialog. The visual is created and added to the dashboard.

Your chart should look similar to the following image:

basic custom chart example

Cool! You have completed Part 1 of the custom chart tutorial. So far, you have learned how to install and configure the Symphony custom chart CLI, how to create a new chart with sample code, and how to update its code and preview the results. Continue to Part 2: Query Variables, Chart Defaults, Data Preview, and Data Accessors.