Update a Theme
This applies to: Visual Data Discovery
When you update a theme, you replace the entire JSON file for an existing theme.
At this time, you can only tailor theme colors. Other tailoring properties (such as fonts or font sizes) should not be changed.
To update a theme:
Update the JSON file that describes your theme. You can download a copy of it to work with if needed. See Review and Download the Theme JSON Code.
Note the ID for your theme. This must be specified separately from the rest of the JSON file in an update request.
Remove the ID for your theme from the JSON file.
Use the
API endpoint in a PUT request to update the theme. Use the text of your updated JSON file as the body ("content" : "<string>"
) of the request, but specify the ID of the theme as a parameter for the endpoint PUT request.The following request patches the theme called mytheme.
curl -X PUT "<ip-address>:<port>/composer/api/customization/themes/<id>" -H "accept: application/vnd.composer.v3+json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{ \"createdDate\": \"2020-04-29 10:26:17.135\", \"lastModifiedDate\": \"2020-04-29 10:26:18.078\", \"name\": \"mytheme\", \"content\": { \"customProperties\": { \"about\": { \"color\": \"$colors.text\", \"copyright\": \"$colors.muted\" }, \"buttons\": { \"base\": { \"active\": { \"bg\": \"$colors.intentBaseActive\" }, \"bg\": \"$colors.intentBase\", \"color\": \"$colors.text\", \"hover\": { \"bg\": \"$colors.intentBaseHover\" } }, \"danger\": { \"active\": { \"bg\": \"$colors.intentDangerActive\" }, \"bg\": \"$colors.intentDanger\", \"color\": \"$colors.onPrimary\", \"disabled\": { \"bg\": \"$colors.intentDangerDisabled\" }, \"hover\": { \"bg\": \"$colors.intentDangerHover\" } }, \"disabled\": { \"bg\": \"$colors.intentBaseDisabled\" }, \"minimal\": { \"active\": { \"bg\": \"$colors.intentMinimalActive\" }, \"bg\": \"initial\", 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is the IP address or host name of your Symphony instance,<port>
is its port, and<id>
is the theme ID.If the theme is the active theme, refresh the Symphony UI to see the theme changes. If the theme is not the active theme, activate it to see the theme changes in the UI.