Review and Download the Theme JSON Code

This applies to: Visual Data Discovery

You can review and download the JSON definition of a theme for the Symphony UI. You must know the theme ID or the theme name before you can obtain and review the theme JSON. When you install Symphony, three themes are provided with the following IDs and names: composer, modern and dark. The composer theme is the same as the modern theme.

To review a theme's JSON definition using the theme ID:

  1. Obtain the theme ID. You can do this by listing the themes in your environment. See List Themes.

  2. Use the /api/customization/themes/<id> API endpoint in a GET request to obtain the JSON for the theme. The following request obtains the JSON for the supplied modern theme. The supplied modern theme's ID is modern (the same as its name).

    curl -X GET "http://<ip-address>:<port>/composer/api/customization/themes/modern" -H "accept: application/vnd.composer.v3+json"

    where <ip-address> is the IP address or host name of your Symphony instance and <port> is its port.

    The JSON is provided in the response from the request. You can download the JSON and review it.

To review a theme's JSON definition using the theme name:

  1. Obtain the theme name. You can do this by listing the themes in your environment. See List Themes.

  2. Use the /api/customization/themes/name/<name> API endpoint in a GET request to obtain the JSON for the theme. The following request obtains the JSON for the theme named mytheme.

    curl -X GET "http://<ip-address>:<port>/composer/api/customization/themes/name/mytheme" -H "accept: application/vnd.composer.v3+json"

    where <ip-address> is the IP address or host name of your Symphony instance and <port> is its port.

    The JSON is provided in the response from the request. You can download the JSON and review it.