Use Tags in Symphony Visual Data Discovery

This applies to: Visual Data Discovery

This applies to: Visual Data Discovery

Categorize your Symphony inventory and create themed groups of content by associating tags with dashboards, data sources, and visual gallery visuals). Create an overarching themed content structure for your users, or use tagging to improve your object migration flow. Tag content to create groupings for everyone in the organization for ease of use. Filter dashboards in the Library, data sources in Sources, and visuals in the Visual Gallery to view content associated with specific tags.

All tags added to your environment are visible to all users within the account.

Users who can add, and in some cases, remove tags, include:

  • Users who belong to a group with the privilege Administer Tags can add tags and delete tags added by any user, as needed.

  • Users who belong to a group with the privilege Create Tags can create new tags but can only delete their own tags.

  • Users with Editor access to a data discovery dashboard, data source, or visual gallery visuals ), which is equivalent to READ + WRITE permissions can assign or remove an existing tag to the data discovery resource. )

When you export or import dashboards, data sources, or visuals the associated tags are exported and can be imported as well.

For more information on using content tags in your Visual Data Discovery environment:

You can also manage tags in embedded environments, or using the API.

API documentation is provided with your Symphony installation at this link: <symphony-URL>/discovery/swagger-ui.html.