Add Tags
This applies to: Visual Data Discovery
Users with the privileges Administer Tags, Create Tags or who have READ + WRITE permissions to dashboards, data sources, and visual gallery visuals can add tags to these resources. Once tags are added to a resource, users can filter dashboards, data sources, and visuals they see by content tag.
All tags added to your environment are visible to all users within the account.
Only users with the privilege Administer Tags can delete other users' tags.
To add a tag to a Visual Data Discovery dashboard:
Open a dashboard you have permissions to access and edit, then select the manage tags icon (
). The Manage Tags work area opens.
Select the Tags Search field. If tags exist in this account environment, a list of tags appears you can select from.
Enter a few characters: a list of matching tags is returned if the tags exist. Select an existing tag to add it to this dashboard.
If a matching tag does not exist, and you have appropriate privileges, you can select the add icon (
) to add the tag to the dashboard. Your software returns a success message.
When you've added the tags you need, select Save to save your tags with this dashboard.
You can also add a new or existing tag to a dashboard when you save the dashboard: select an existing tag or add a new one.
To add a tag to a Visual Data Discovery data source:
Open a data source you have permissions to access and edit, then expand the Source Definition work area.
Select the Tags Search field. If tags exist in this account environment, a list of tags appears you can select.
Enter a few characters: a list of matching tags is returned if the tags exist. Select an existing tag to add it to this data source.
If a matching tag does not exist, and you have appropriate privileges, you can select the add icon (
) to add the tag to the data source. Your software returns a success message.
When you've added the tags you need, select Save Source to save your tags with this data source.