Part 4: Custom Chart Controls

This applies to: Visual Data Discovery

This part of the custom chart tutorial adds controls found in out-of-the-box Symphony charts: axis labels/pickers, tooltips, and a context menu. The following steps are performed in Part 4:

Step 1. Add Axis Labels and Pickers

It is very common for end users to want to explore a data set by changing the group-by and metric fields used by a chart. Symphony provides an API for chart developers to quickly add axis labels that can act as controls to replace group-by and metric selections.

Your current custom chart, created in this tutorial, has a default group-by and metric selection defined in the data source.

To add axis labels so that you can change the group-by and metric selections within the chart itself:

  1. In the terminal window, change directories to the local directory of “My First Custom Chart” and enter the following command to set the custom chart CLI in watch mode, if it is not in watch mode already.

    cmp-chart watch
  2. In another terminal window, run the following command to compile a development version of the chart’s code using the webpack bundler:

    npm start

    For a refresher on this topic, see Step 4. Edit the Chart Code.

  3. Edit the src/index.js file in your preferred text editor or integrated development environment.

  4. Add the following code to the end of the src/index.js file:

    picks: 'Group By', position: 'bottom', orientation: 'horizontal', }); controller.createAxisLabel({ picks: 'Size', position: 'bottom', orientation: 'horizontal', });

    The controller.createAxisLabel method takes an object with the configuration options of the axis label. The following table describes possible option names and values you can use:

    Option Description
    picks The name of the query variable. Use the data accessor’s getName method to avoid hard-coding variable names

    The location of the axis label in the chart widget. Valid options are bottom, left, right, and top.

    orientation The orientation of the axis label text. Valid options are vertical and horizontal.
  5. Preview the chart in a dashboard and notice the new axis labels/pickers below the chart. Play around with the controls and notice how the chart reacts to the changes in the query.

Step 2. Add Tooltips

In addition to axis labels, custom charts can define Symphony tooltips so the custom chart’s look and feel is consistent with out-of-the-box charts.

To define the tooltips using Symphony’s API:

  1. Add the original Symphony data to the objects in the data set. We simply need to modify the reshapeData function in the src/index.js file as follows:

    function reshapeData(data) {
    					return => ({
    					name: groupAccessor.raw(d),
    					value: metricAccessor.raw(d)
    					datum: d
  2. Add mousemove and mouseout event handlers to the chart:

    chart.on('mousemove', param => {{
    					event: param.event.event,
    					data: () =>,
    chart.on('mouseout', param => {

    Notice the use of and controller.tooltip.hide. The show method receives an option with the following properties:

    Option Description
    x The x coordinate in the screen where the tooltip should render
    y The y coordinate in the screen where the tooltip should render
    data Function that returns a Symphony datum object

    Optional Properties

    Option Description
    event Takes a native browser event to specify the tooltip position. An alternative to x and y properties
    content Function that returns an HTML string to replace the content inside of the tooltip boxes

    When you mouse over a pie slice, the mousemove handler runs and the API is called to display the tooltip. Likewise, the mouseout event handler runs when the mouse leaves the pie slice and the controller.tooltip.hide API is called to hide the tooltip.

Step 3. Add the Context Menu

The context menu is a control found in many of the out-of-the-box charts. Visual developers select a chart’s data point to trigger the display of the context menu. Usually, the context menu is used to do quick filtering operations on the chart itself or other charts in the dashboard. An overview of the actions that can be selected on the context menu can be reviewed in Use the Context Menu.

Symphony provides an API that can be used to show the context menu with default actions.

To add the context menu to your custom pie chart:

  • Add the following code in the src/index.js file:

    chart.on('mousemove', param => {{
    					event: param.event.event,
    					data: () =>,
    					chart.on('mouseout', param => {
    						chart.on('click', param => {
    						event: param.event.event,
    						data: () =>,

    Notice the use of The show method receives an option with the following properties:

    Option Description
    x The x coordinate in the screen where the menu should render
    y The y coordinate in the screen where the menu should render
    data Function that returns a Symphony datum object

    Optional Properties

    Option Description
    event Takes a native browser event to specify the menu position. An alternative to x and y properties.
    menu Used to customize the list of actions that display in the menu. Custom actions along with their callbacks can be defined. Example: { items: ['Details', 'Filter', 'Keyset', 'Trend', 'Zoom', 'Remove', 'Custom'], 'Custom': function() { // some custom action } }

    Now, whenever we click an option, the context menu displays and any of its actions can be triggered.

Step 4. Enable Cross-Visual Filtering

If you want your new chart to interact with other charts using cross-visual filtering, some controls must be enabled using the CLI.

  1. Enter the following command in the terminal window:

    cmp-chart edit
  2. Follow the prompts and select the Controls option.

  3. Use the arrows and the spacebar to select:​

    • Publish to allow a chart with the context menu enabled to filter other charts on a dashboard.

    • Subscribe to allow a chart to receive filters from other charts on the dashboard

  4. Press Enter to make your selections.

  5. Enter N to the prompt asking if you would like to make additional edits.

  6. Refresh the custom chart in a dashboard.

  7. Open the Dashboard Interactions dialog and select the Cross-Visual Filtering tab. See Understand the Cross-Visual Filtering Tab.

  8. Select your custom chart from the list on the left of the tab and configure the publish and subscribe settings for the custom chart. See Publish a Link and Subscribe a Visual to a Link.

  9. Select a pie slice in the custom pie chart to open the context menu.

    If you published the link for the field on which the pie chart is grouped, the Filter option appears in the context menu. Select this option to create a cross-visual filter using the link field for all the visuals on the dashboard that subscribe to the link.

Step 5. Add Other Controls

In addition to the controls described elsewhere in this tutorial, Symphony allows chart developers to show or hide controls on the chart’s menu:

options you can make available in the visual menu

The display of these controls is configured using the CLI.

To add the Color control to the chart:

  1. Enter the following command in the terminal window:

    cmp-chart edit
  2. Follow the prompts and select the Controls option.

  3. Use the arrows and the spacebar to select Color from the list.

  4. Press Enter to make your selections.

  5. Enter N to the prompt asking if you would like to make additional edits.

  6. Refresh the custom chart in a dashboard and notice the new color control on the chart’s drop-down menu.

    If you try to use the Color control, however, the panel does not open. The color control only works if you set one of the query variables as the driver color. Since this is a pie chart with a different color per slice, modify the group-by variable to use it as the driver of color in the chart.

  7. Enter the following command in the terminal window:

    cmp-chart edit
  8. Follow the prompts and select the Variables option.

  9. Select Edit a variable.

  10. Select Group By | group |.

  11. Select Configuration.

  12. Select Attribute & Time.

  13. Enter Y to the prompt asking whether this variable will drive the color in your chart.

  14. Enter N to the prompt asking if you would like to make additional edits.

  15. Switch back to your dashboard and refresh the screen to get the latest changes to the chart. The color control should now work, but the colors displayed do not match the ones in the pie chart.

  16. To fix the color mismatch, ECharts must be updated to identify the color to use for each of the pie slices. You can use a data accessor in the API. Edit the src/index.js file and make the following minor modification:

    function reshapeData(data) {
    					return => ({
    					name: groupAccessor.raw(d),
    					value: metricAccessor.raw(d),
    					datum: d,
    					itemStyle: {
    					color: groupAccessor.color(d),

    Notice how the groupAccessor is used to extract the color since it is tied to the Group By variable that is driving the color of the chart. In the Composer dashboard, open the chart’s color palette and select the second color palette from the list.

Step 6. Create a Production Bundle

Throughout the tutorial, you have worked with the development version of the chart’s code. When you run the npm start command, webpack compiles the chart’s assets into a single visualization.js file that is optimized for production usage. If you inspect the contents of the file, you will notice that the code is not minified and uglified. When the chart’s code is in a state that’s ready to be consumed by end-users, we recommend that you build a production version of the code that is optimized and has a reduced bundle size.

To create a production bundle:

  1. Run the following command in a terminal window. This instructs webpack to create an optimized bundle in the visualization.js file.

    	npm run build
  2. Run the following command to push the production bundle to the Symphony server:

    cmp-chart push

You have completed the final part of the custom chart tutorial! You are now armed with the necessary tools and knowledge to go and build new and feature-rich charts in Symphony. You can also view the Spark Cast produced about custom charts.