Maintain Custom Charts Using the Custom Chart CLI

This applies to: Visual Data Discovery

Symphony’s Custom Chart Command Line Interface (CLI) allows developers to create, manage, and delete custom charts without being connected to the client application. The CLI tool uses Node.js and is installed locally via npm. Details about the custom chart CLI can also be found in

Before installing Symphony's custom chart CLI, verify that Node.js version 10 or later and npm version 5.6 or later are installed on your machine.

After it is installed and configured, the custom chart CLI behaves much like any other command line tool. You can build projects, run tests, and push new visuals using npm scripts. The custom chart CLI also supports the configuration of multimetric and group variables.

For a full list of common commands, see Commands for the Custom Chart CLI. A step-by-step tutorial for creating a custom chart can be found in A Custom Chart Tutorial.

This section covers the following topics:

You can also perform some maintenance tasks for custom charts using the Symphony UI. See Manage Custom Charts in the UI.