Create a Custom Chart Using the CLI

This applies to: Visual Data Discovery

A complete example of creating a custom chart using the custom chart CLI can be found in A Custom Chart Tutorial.

Composer Custom Chart CLI version 1 only supports the use of vnd.composer.v3+json as the Content-Type for API routes.

To create a custom chart locally using the custom chart CLI:

  1. Open the Symphony CLI.
  2. Run the following command to create the visual.

    $ cmp-chart init <path-to-visual>

    Optionally, you can provide a type parameter. Valid values are single-group, multi-group, or raw. The default is single-group. For example:

    $ cmp-chart init -t multi-group <path-to-visual>

The cmp-chart init command creates a directory in the specified path containing the files you need to get started. Here is a preview of the directory tree:

The following table describes the function of each file in the tree:

File Description
package.json Lists the packages your visual depends on. For more information, see
src/index.css Your visual's CSS (style sheet) code.
src/index.js Your visual's JavaScript code. Additional files can be used and imported into this file.
visualization.json Contains the name, controls, and variables of your visual.
webpack.config.js The webpack configuration. Webpack is used in visuals to bundle your code into a single file.