Alert Definition Object Structure

This applies to: Visual Data Discovery

Alert definitions are created by submitting a POST api/alerts endpoint with a request body that uses the object structure defined here.

Here is a sample of the general object structure required to create an alert definition:

  "name": "React on high sales prices",
  "description": "We have a price > $1000",
  "enabled": true,
  "schedule": { ... },
  "condition": { ... },
  "notification": { ... }

Each object in this structure is described below.

Object Specifies
name The name of the alert definition.
description A description of the alert definition.
enabled Whether or not the definition is enabled. A value of true indicates that it is enabled; false indicates that it is not. If an alert is not enabled, it is not scheduled at all.

The frequency by which the alert condition in the definition should be evaluated. Valid values are ONCE, MONTHLY, WEEKLY, and DAILY. Each of these values requires additional fields to more specifically identify when the alert condition should be evaluated:

  • frequency: Specify ONCE, MONTHLY, WEEKLY, or DAILY. Each of these values requires additional fields to more specifically identify when the alert condition should be evaluated:

    • ONCE requires that fields startDate and timeOfDay be specified.
    • MONTHLY requires that fields startDate, endDate, dayOfMonth, and timeOfDay be specified.
    • WEEKLY requires that fields startDate, endDate, dayOfWeek, and timeOfDay be specified.
    • DAILY requires that fields startDate, endDate, and timeOfDay be specified.
  • startDate: specify the starting date, in yyyy-mm-dd format, at which the alert condition should be evaluated.

  • timeOfDay: specify the time of day, in hh:mm:ss format, at which the alert condition should be evaluated.

  • endDate: specify the ending date, in yyyy-mm-dd format, at which the alert condition should be evaluated.

  • dayOfMonth: specify the day of the month, using values from 1 through 31, at which the alert should be evaluated.

  • dayOfWeek: specify the day of the month, using values Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, or Sunday, at which the alert should be evaluated.


   "schedule": {
   "frequency": "ONCE",
   "timeOfDay": "12:30:00",
   "startDate": "2021-05-14",
   "endDate": "2021-05-14"

The alert condition that should be evaluated. The alert condition requires the following fields:

  • sourceId: identifies the data source used for the condition query

  • dataQuery: a VisQuery object for a raw, KPI, single group by, or multigroup by data query using simple and aggregate filters to define the condition. Data query structures and filters are described in detail in Alert Definition Data Query Structures.

  • activateAlertWhenData: Indicates when the alert should be activated. Valid values are EXISTS or NOT_EXISTS. When EXISTS is specified, the data query must determine that data exists to trigger the alert. When NOT_EXISTS is specified, the data query must determine that data does not exists to trigger the alert.

notification The notification information for the alert. The notification structure is fully described in detail in Alert Definition Notification Structure. It includes a notification type (only EMAIL is currently supported), a subject for the email message, text for the body of the email message, and recipient information.

See Alert Definition Examples for complete examples of some alert definitions.