Alert Definition Notification Structure

This applies to: Visual Data Discovery

Here is a sample of the general object structure for the notification object of an alert definition:

   "notification": {
      "notificationType": "EMAIL",
      "subject": "RTS: High price",
      "body": "We have a price > $1000",
      "recipients": {
         "users": [
               "id": "user-1",
               "name": "User 1"
               "id": "user-2",
               "name": "User 2"
         "sendToMe": false

Each parameter in this structure is described below.

Parameter Specifies
notificationType The notification type. Currently only EMAIL is supported.
subject The subject of the notification email.
body The body text of the notification email.

The users who should be notified. Users must be defined to Symphony and all user definitions must have email addresses provided in their user definition. See Add User Definitions.

Use the following field pairs to define the recipients for the alert notification:

  • id: The Symphony user ID (the user ID). This is the only required field (unless the sendToMe field is set to true). Symphony automatically returns the user full name.

  • name: The user's login name. This is not required.

Repeat user field pairs, as needed, to alert more than one person.


Whether or not the alert notifications should be sent to the author of the alert definition. Specify true (send notifications to the author) or false (do not send notifications to the author).

You can elect to send alert notifications only to the author of the alert definition. To do this, eliminate the field pairs in the recipients list and replace it with sendToMe set to true.

See Alert Definition Examples for complete examples of some alert definitions.