Configure the Ruler Y-Axis Range Settings

This applies to: Visual Data Discovery

The y-axis range settings on the Ruler sidebar control the minimum and maximum values for the metric shown in the visual. You can configure the default values for Min, Max, and Step. When the Rulers sidebar is initially opened, these settings are set to Auto.

To customize the range, clear the Auto checkbox next to the Min and Max boxes and then enter your custom value ranges in the boxes. Customizing the axis in this way can create a view into your data that drills into specific information, explores anomalies, and otherwise explores more relevant information.

You can further this exploration by clearing the Auto checkbox next to Step, and specifying the interval for the tick marks along the y-axis. Steps can be specified down to the tenth place, or one decimal point. For example, you can step the tick marks by .5 tenths. If you specify a step that cannot be displayed on the axis, the default minimal step value is applied.