Restore the Metadata From the Metadata Store Backup

This applies to: Visual Data Discovery

This topic describes how to restore the metadata store from a backup copy. For information about backing up the metadata store, see Back Up the Metadata Store.

Prior to restoring the metadata, ensure that the target PostgreSQL data store is clean.

To restore the metadata store:

  1. From your terminal, SSH to your Symphony server.

  2. Stop all Symphony microservices. For appropriate commands based on your OS, see Stop Symphony Microservices.

  3. Navigate to your backup directory and enter the following commands:

    sudo -u postgres psql zoomdata < zoomdata				
    sudo -u postgres psql zoomdata-upload < zoomdata-upload
    sudo -u postgres psql zoomdata-keyset < zoomdata-keyset
    sudo -u postgres psql zoomdata-qe < zoomdata-qe
  4. Restart all Symphony microservices. For appropriate commands based on your OS, see Restart Symphony Microservices.

For more information on backup and restore processes for PostgreSQL, refer to the PostgreSQL documentation.