Trusted Access Client Properties

This applies to: Visual Data Discovery

The following table describes the Trusted Access client properties. All of this information is encrypted when it is stored in the Symphony metadata store, except the client secret, which is hashed using BCrypt.

Endpoint Description
client_name The human-readable string name of the client application. The client name must be unique.
client_id The client ID issued to the client when the client is registered with Trusted Access. This is generated by the system and cannot be modified.
client_secret The client secret string issued to the client when the client is registered with Trusted Access. This value is used by applications to authenticate to the token endpoint. The client secret is not available after it is initially created -- developers must store it locally in order to retain it.
access_token_validity_seconds The validity (in seconds) of the access token. Short-lived tokens (less than 10 minutes) are recommended.
client_secret_expires_at The time (in seconds) at which the client_secret will expire. A value of zero (0) means that the client secret never expires.
token_endpoint_auth_method A string indicator of the authentication method used for the token endpoint. For Trusted Access, this value is always "client_secret_basic", which means that the client must always use HTTP basic authentication to request an access token.