
This applies to: Visual Data Discovery

Valid operators used in Symphony are described below.

Operator Applies to Determines whether the data in the field you select...
Begins With strings Begins with the string you have specified.
Between numbers Falls numerically between the two numbers you specified.
Contains strings Contains the string you have specified.
Does Not Begin With strings Does not begin with the string you have specified.
Does Not Contain strings Does not contain the string you have specified.
Does Not End With strings Does not end with the string you have specified.
Ends With strings Ends with the string you have specified.
Equal numbers Is equal to the number you specified.
Exclude numbers & strings Includes the number or string you specify. If it does, the data is excluded from the output.
Greater Than numbers Is greater than the number you specified.
Greater Than or Equal numbers Is greater than or equal to the number you specified.
Include numbers & strings Includes the number or string you specify. If it does, the data is included in the output.
Less Than numbers Is less than the number you specified.
Less Than or Equal numbers Is less than or equal to the number you specified.
Not Between numbers Does not fall numerically between the two numbers you specified.
Not Equal numbers Is not equal to the number you specified.