Configure Unified Logging Using Fluentd

This applies to: Visual Data Discovery

For information and steps on installing Fluentd, refer to Fluentd's installation documentation. If Fluentd is not installed on the same server as the Symphony, you will need to obtain the host and port numbers for the Fluentd server.

This section provides describes how

to configure Fluentd to log Symphony log data.

Configure Fluentd for logging Symphony log data:

  1. Run the following command on the server where Symphony is installed to install td-agent on that server.

    curl -L
  2. Browse to the /etc folder on the Symphony server to verify that td-agent is installed in the /etc/td-agent folder.

  3. Install the Fluentd plugin for the data store you are using to store your Fluentd logs. Refer to your Fluentd documentation for more information.

    For example, if you are using an Elasticsearch database to store Fluentd logs. run the following command to install the Fluentd Elasticsearch plugin on the Symphony server.

    sudo td-agent-gem install fluent-plugin-elasticsearch
  4. Modify the td-agent.conf file in the /etc/td-agent folder using the following template.

    The following is an example of td-agent.conf using an Elasticsearch database for Fluentd logs.

    @type forward port <fluentd_port> bind </source> <match *.**> @type copy <store> @type elasticsearch host <elasticsearch_host> port <elasticsearch_port> user <elasticsearch-user> password <elasticsearch-password> logstash_format true logstash_prefix composer-unified-log logstash_dateformat %Y%m%d include_tag_key true index_name composer-unified-log type_name composer-unified-log tag_key @log_name flush_interval 1s </store> <store> @type stdout </store> </match>
  5. Restart td-agent.

    systemctl restart td-agent
  6. Complete the steps described inEnable Unified Logging in Symphony Using Fluentd to enable Fluentd logging by Symphony.