PostgreSQL Metadata Store Configuration

This applies to: Visual Data Discovery

Symphony stores its metadata in a PostgreSQL database. The Helm chart lets you customize the location of the metadata store database. You have two options:

  • Default: The chart installs an internal instance of PostgreSQL.
  • Recommended: Point Symphony to an external, managed instance of PostgreSQL.

Internal PostgreSQL Metadata Store

Configuring Credentials

The default chart config is supplied with the hardcoded database username and password to simplify the initial installation of the chart:

defaultDbUsername: "zoomdata"
defaultDbPassword: "ChangeMe12345"

Change the username and password for your production release if you choose to use the internal PostgreSQL instance.

Reusing Existing Internal Metadata Database for New Release

The usage of an internal instance of PostgreSQL will create a PersistentVolumeClaim (PVC) and corresponding PervistentVolume (PV) with the PostgreSQL data dir folder. Uninstalling such a chart will keep these PVC and PV so that you can re-use the metadata for another release. The usual name of the PVC is a name such as data-<release-name>-postgresql-0. To reuse the metadata:

  1. Add the following config to your values.yaml to point a new release to the existing PVC:

  2. Install or upgrade the Helm chart.

External PostgreSQL Metadata Store

To configure the chart to use an external PostgreSQL-compatible database system:

  1. Disable the creation of the built-in PostgreSQL instance by adding this config to your values.yaml.

      enabled: false
  2. Create the next databases in your database system.


    We recommend that you also create a separate PostgreSQL user for Symphony databases. See Create the Metadata Store User & Stores.

  3. Define the following Helm chart parameters in your values.yaml and set them according to your database setup.

      metadataDbUrl: ""
      metadataDbUsername: ""
      metadataDbPassword: ""
      uploadDbUrl: ""
      uploadDbUsername: ""
      uploadDbPassword: ""
      keysetDbUrl: ""
      keysetDbUsername: ""
      keysetDbPassword: ""
      userAuditingDbUrl: ""
      userAuditingDbUsername: ""
      userAuditingDbPassword: ""
      dbUrl: ""
      dbUsername: ""
      dbPassword: ""

    If you only define a single user, then you can skip individual *DbUsername and *DbPassword parameters and set only the following two defaults.

    defaultDbUsername: ""
    defaultDbPassword: ""
  4. Install or upgrade the Helm chart.

Find more information about Symphony and Kubernetes here: Running Symphony in Kubernetes.