Apply Licenses

This applies to: Visual Data Discovery

By default, Symphony comes with a trial license valid for 14 days. The first start up of Symphony activates this license and generates a unique installation id for your deployment.

Once you are done with the trial, you’ll need to request a new license key using the generated installation id and then apply the key to your deployment. There are multiple ways to apply a license key: via UI, using the licensing API, or by setting Helm override values. This article describes setting Helm override values.

Caveats of Different License Configuration Options

If you apply your license using Symphony's user interface or the licensing API, you can only scale the Web Server service to more than three replicas, if allowed by the license's restrictions. The replica count for all other services is limited to three replicas.

If you apply your license using Helm values, you should use Helm to update the license; it won't be possible to update the license via UI or API. See Manage License Keys Using Configuration Properties or Environment Variables.

Replace an Existing License

  1. Obtain a new license key for your existing deployment.

  2. Add the following properties to your values.yaml:

    licenseKey: "your-license-key"
    licenseInstallationId: "your-installation-id"
  3. Upgrade your existing Helm release.

    The license is applied to all Symphony services.

Apply an OEM License

Regular license keys are tied to the installation id that is unique for your deployment. The ability to have an arbitrary number of deployments can be provided by an OEM license.

An OEM license allows you to have an unattended installation because you won’t need to request a license key for each unique installation id.

If you have an OEM license key, set only the licenseKey property in your values.yaml. Install a new Helm chart release or upgrade an existing one.

Find more information about Symphony and Kubernetes here: Running Symphony in Kubernetes.