Ingress Configuration

This applies to: Visual Data Discovery

By default, the chart creates an Ingress resource with the name default-ingress. Also, it relies on the ingress-nginx sub-chart to install an Ingress Controller with the default name nginx. This might not work with your existing Ingress Controller. To resolve this issue, override the config for the SymphonyIngress in your values.yaml:

  enabled: true
  installController: false
  className: <your-ingress-controller-name>
  ingressName: default-ingress

This config disables installation of the nginx Ingress Controller and points Symphony’s Ingress to your controller. If such a config is still not versatile enough for your needs, disable both the Ingress and Ingress Controller and create your own Ingress.

Find more information about Symphony and Kubernetes here: Running Symphony in Kubernetes.