Start Symphony Microservices
This applies to: Visual Data Discovery
This topic describes how to start Symphony microservices in CentOS 7 environments or in Ubuntu 18, 20, or 22 environments.
The list of Symphony microservices can be found in Symphony Data Discovery Microservice Name Reference. The order in which microservices should be started is described in Symphony Microservice Startup Order.
You can also start Symphony microservices using the CLI. See Manage Symphony Microservices Using the Command Line Utility.
To start all Symphony microservices, enter the following command:
sudo systemctl start $(systemctl list-unit-files | grep zoomdata | grep edc | awk '{print $1}')
To start a specific Symphony microservice, enter the following command:
sudo systemctl start <service>
Replace <service>
with the name of the Symphony microservice. See Symphony Data Discovery Microservice Name Reference.