Test the Screenshot Microservice

This applies to: Visual Data Discovery

To test the Screenshot microservice:

  1. Open a web browser to Symphony. Obtain the ID for a dashboard to use for testing. Log in to Symphony and open a dashboard. On the browser address bar copy the portion of the URL after the + sign. In the following example, you would copy 5ad8d1fa60b2894b38f0933b:

  2. Use Postman or cURL to issue a PUT request to Symphony to request a screenshot of the dashboard in PNG format. In the following example, replace <username> with your user name, <password> with your password, <server> with your server IP address or name, <port> with your port number, and <dash-id> with the dashboard ID you obtained in the previous step.

    curl --insecure -X PUT -u <username>:<password> https://<server>:<port>/composer/api/
    screenshot/<dash-id>?"width=1000&format=PNG" > test.png
  3. If the test.png file is created successfully, the Screenshot microservice is operating correctly.