Connect Visuals to a Filter Snippet

This applies to: Visual Data Discovery

Build and use filter snippets to filter and highlight data on your dashboard. To apply filters to visuals, connect a filter snippet to one or more visuals using a corresponding field from the visual's underlying source. You can also filter a filter snippet by another filter snippet.

To connect visuals:

  1. Select the snippet on the dashboard. A blue border appears around the snippet widget.

  2. Select Connect Widgets from the menu (). The Connect Widgets work area opens.

    Add or remove visuals or filters you want to filter using this filter snippet

  3. Select Add Widget. Select a Widget Name and an available Field. Repeat to add as many visuals as desired.

  4. Select Apply to connect the visuals.

When you create a filter snippet, it is linked to the dashboard you've added it to. If you delete a dashboard, the snippet is deleted as well.

To link filter snippets for further data refinement, see Link Filter Snippets.