Embedded Source Editor

Use Symphony to embed a source editor for your users, enabling them to view, edit, or configure data sources directly in your application. Define the editor for users as needed for your custom solution.

You can embed the complete source editor, or limit what your users can access and use.

Step 1. Define a Connection to Create a Source

Define a connection users can access to create a source. See Embed Source Editor Properties for more information on the properties for creating a source.

	create: {
		visible: true,
		connections: {
			ids: ["6347eca23d231b5c3c2a2f79", "633d6ef33d27115c3c2a2e45"],
			defaultId: "6347eca22d271b5c3c2a2f79"
	fields: {
		visible: true
	caching: {
		visible: true
	settings: {
		visible: true

Step 2. Create a Component for the Source Editor

            // First initialize embed manager
const sourceEditor = await embedManager.createComponent('source-editor', {
	sourceId: "633167d188f857721d2f70dd", // existing Source ID
	activeTab: "fields",
	theme: "composer",
	tabs: { ... },
	breadcrumbs: { ... },
	interactivityOverrides: { ... },
	notificationSettings: { ... },

Step 3. Define Interactivity Settings

            interactivityOverrides: {
	create: {
		UPLOAD_NEW_FILE: 'false' // value can be string as well
	fields: {
		ADD_HIERARCHY_FIELD: 'false' // value can be string as well
	caching: {
		SCHEDULE_REFRESH: 'false' // value can be string as well

Step 4. Define Breadcrumbs Configuration

	title: "Back to Sources",
	href: "https://company.com/sources",
	target: "_blank",
	onClick: () => {
		console.log("do action");