Download the Diagnostics Bundle

This applies to: Visual Data Discovery

After the Symphony Service Monitor microservice is installed and running, you can use it to download a diagnostic bundle. If you want to include trace details in the diagnostics bundle, be sure to collect tracing information as described in Distributed Tracing for Symphony.

To download a diagnostics bundle:

  1. Using a web browser, navigate to the Service Monitor. Its default port is 8050. For example, if running locally, the Symphony instance would be http://localhost:8080, so the Service Monitor URL would be http://localhost:8050. If your Symphony instance is at port, the Service Monitor URL would be

    A login screen will appear.

  2. Log into the Service Monitor using the Service Monitor user name and password you defined when the Service Monitor was installed. See Install and Configure the Symphony Service Monitor.

  3. Select Downloads on the main menu bar.

    A screen appears that you can use to download the diagnostics bundle:

  4. Optionally enter a trace ID in the Trace ID box.

    If the tracing service is not configured, the Trace ID box will be disabled, with a relevant error message. When this happens, the diagnostic bundle contains only log files.

  5. Select Download Diagnostic Bundle.

    If you did not specify a trace ID, the zip file that is produced contains only log files for all configured Symphony microservices. If you specify a valid trace ID, the trace JSON file will also be included as part of the bundle.

    If you specify an invalid trace ID, a relevant error message displays.

    In some cases, a previously valid trace ID may be reported as not found. Traces are best retrieved as soon as an error is encountered.

    For more information about distributed tracing microservices, see Distributed Tracing for Symphony.