Import or Export a Data Source

This applies to: Visual Data Discovery

You can import or export a data source configuration in JSON format, including related connection information.

When importing and exporting, be aware that special characters are not supported. If the name of the data source contains special characters, change the name before continuing.

All users can view the Sources page.

  • To import a data source, you must log in as a user who belongs to a group with the Create New Data Sources or Administer Sources privilege.

  • To export a data source, you must log in as a user who has read permissions for the data source and its connection or connections.

  • If you're importing and exporting a source using the import export API, you can define and use a unique key to identify the source.

    API documentation is provided with your Symphony installation at this link: <symphony-URL>/discovery/swagger-ui.html.

To import a data source configuration:

  1. Log in as a user with the Create New Data Sources or Administer Sources group privilege.

  2. Select the Sources option from the Tools menu in the main menu. The Sources work area opens.

  3. At the top of the page, select Import Source.

  4. Browse to and select the json file for the inventory, then select Open. The data source and associated connection information is imported.

To export a data source configuration:

  1. Log in as a user who has read permissions for the data source and its connection or connections.

  2. Select the Sources option from the Tools menu in the main menu. The Sources work area opens.

  3. Select the More menu () button to view the More menu for a data source configuration.

  4. The JSON file is automatically downloaded to your browser.