Rename a Data Discovery Dashboard

This applies to: Visual Data Discovery

When you build a dashboard, it is assigned a default name. You can change the name of your dashboard any time. You can rename it at the top of the dashboard or you can rename it when you save it.

You can also copy a dashboard and save the copy with a new name. See Copy a Dashboard.

To rename a dashboard at the top of the dashboard:

  1. Select Library on the UI menu. The dashboard library displays.

  2. Edit the dashboard you want to rename.

  3. Select the name of the dashboard at the top of the dashboard.

  4. Specify the new name for your dashboard.

  5. Save the dashboard.

To rename a dashboard when you save it:

  1. Select Library on the UI menu. The dashboard library displays.

  2. Edit the dashboard you want to rename.

  3. In the dashboard header, select in the upper right corner of the dashboard.

    The Save Options dialog appears.

    save options dialog for existing visuals

  4. In the Name box, specify the new name for your dashboard.

  5. Optionally modify the description of the dashboard in the Description box. A maximum of 750 characters can be specified. Leading and trailing spaces are not allowed.

  6. Select Save to save the dashboard.