Disable Sending Scheduled Dashboard Reports to External Users
This applies to: Visual Data Discovery
You can send scheduled dashboard reports, by default, to both users with Symphony accounts, and email addresses outside of Symphony.
Disable the sending of scheduled data discovery dashboard reports by working with Technical Support to disable the toggle allow-sending-reports-to-external-emails
Symphony Scheduled Report Options - External Recipients Disabled
By default, you can send reports to external users by adding their email address to the Recipient field when creating a schedule for a dashboard report. When you disable sending reports to external users:
Users can no longer add external email addresses to report schedules.
External users included in an existing schedule remain, with an added warning that the report will not be sent to external users. This does not prevent the report from being sent to Symphony users.
If you remove an external user from a scheduled report, they can't be re-added to the recipient list.
Reports that include external users in the recipient list are sent to Symphony users only, not external users.