
This applies to: Visual Data Discovery

The multilist variable is part of the array of objects you use to define data and non-data values for this visualization.

You must be an administrator to manage custom visual types.




multilist have two modes:

  1. If the values property is provided, the variable is represented by a multi-select tag input.

  2. If values is not provided, the variable is represented by a control that provides an arrangeable list of fields that includes an edit button. Users can select which fields should and should not be included.

Variable Specific Properties

Property Argument Description
defaultValue array of strings Only applicable for the static value list.
values array of strings The options made available to users for selection.

Generic Properties

Generic properties apply to many variables.

Property Argument Description
name string The name of the property. It must be unique among all variables on the visualization. This name is used to access the data accessor and/or variable value on the controller provided to the visualization.
descr string A description of the variable for your reference. This is not displayed in the UI.
attributeType array of strings

A list of field types to include when selecting fields for this variable. Accepted values:

  • TIME
required boolean Triggers the UI to require a value for certain variable types. Not used for this variable type.

Deprecated Properties



Static Values

	"name": "Test Static Value Multilist",
	"type": "multilist",
	"descr": "Select multiple values. Order is not selectable",
	"values": [
		"Value 1",
		"Value 2",
		"Value 3",
		"Value 4"
	"defaultValue": [
		"Value 2",
		"Value 3"
	"required": false

Field Selection

	"name": "Test Field Multilist",
	"type": "multilist",
	"descr": "Select and arrange multiple fields",
	"attributeType": [
	"defaultValue": [],
	"required": false

See Visual Type Configuration Properties.