Edit Cross-Source Links

This applies to: Visual Data Discovery

Cross-source links can be modified on the Cross-Source Links tab of the Dashboard Interactions dialog.

To modify a cross-source link in a dashboard:

  1. Open the dashboard containing the cross-source link you want to edit.

  2. Select on the dashboard icon bar. The Dashboard Interactions dialog appears. Cross-source links are listed on the Cross-Source Links tab.

  3. Select the link you want to modify in the Links list on the left of the tab. Its definition appears on the right.

  4. Modify the cross-source link definition as needed. See Define Cross-Source Links for detailed information about defining cross-source links.

  5. Select Apply. A warning dialog appears prompting you to confirm the link updates.

  6. Select Continue. The cross-source link is updated.

  7. Save the dashboard to save the cross-source link definition.

The cross-source link data you supply on the dialog is validated. If you forget to supply some information, error messages display.

Symphony does not check cross-source links to determine whether they contain the same kind of data. If you do this, the cross-source link will not work.