Delete Data Store Connections

This applies to: Visual Data Discovery

A data store connection cannot be deleted if it is used by any data source configurations. You must first remove it from the data source configurations before you can delete it.

You must be logged in as an administrator or as a user with the group privilege Manage Connections to maintain data store connection definitions.

To delete a data store connection:

  1. Make sure you are logged in as an administrator or as a user with the group privilege Manage Connections.

  2. Select the Connections option from the Tools menu in the main menu. The Connections page appears.

    The Connections page lists the data store connections you have defined and identifies how many data source configurations each connection uses.

  3. Highlight (hover over) the row listing the data store connection you want to delete. You can search the list to locate the connection definition. See Search for a Definition in a List.

  4. Select the trashcan () in the Actions column for the associated row.

    A warning dialog appears.

  5. Select Delete on the warning dialog. The connection is deleted.

If you try to delete a visual, dashboard, dashboard link, data source, or data source field, Symphony displays an error message naming any objects dependent on the item you’re trying to delete. You can delete the item after you’ve removed the association from the dependent object.