Interacting with the Symphony Context Menu

This applies to: Visual Data Discovery

The Symphony context menu is a native control that can be added to custom charts to provide users with a set of standard chart interactions. Your chart must be running an aggregated data query to leverage the context menu.

Default context menu actions:

Action Description


Open a panel with a Raw Data table chart displaying the full set of records matching the selected data point.


Open a panel to select other charts in the dashboard to filter with a condition matching the selected data point.

Keyset Open a panel to create a keyset from a data point.
Trend Switches the current chart to the out of the box Line Chart: Multiple Metrics chart and adds the selected data point as a filter.


Open a panel to select a new attribute to drill into. The selection automatically changes the group-by field in the query and adds a filter condition matching the clicked data point.

Remove Removes the selected data point by adding a filter to the query to exclude it.
Settings Opens the visual sidebar menu.

Optional context menu options:

Action Description


Invoke an action for the visual. Only visible if an action template is defined and enabled for the data source.


Access a dashboard that has been linked to the visual. Only visible if a dashboard link exists.

Create Alert

Open the create alert work area.

Create a Context Menu with Custom Actions

Add custom actions to your context menu, and bind methods to left and right mouse click actions in place of default actions.

			menuEventsConfig: {
			click: 'filter',
			contextmenu: 'openMenu',
			customActions: [{
			name: 'google help',
			action: (data) => (''', '_blank').focus(),

Define your base configuration object. This is optional; if you don't define a base configuration object, Symphony deploys the default context menu behavior.

Optionally, include a customActions items array. Your customActions can be bound as a method for the left or right mouse click in place of one of the default actions.

Defining customActions:

Option Description


A name for each of the customActions. Required.


The action you define for the customActions. Required.


An icon to associate with the customActions. Optional.