Configure Dashboard Alert Links
This applies to: Visual Data Discovery
When you create an alert definition and set up email notification for alerts, Symphony sends recipients your customized alerts message, which includes a link to the dashboard associated with the alert.
In all environments, {}
is resolved at run time for an alert's email notification.
Stand Alone Environment
Include the static fully qualified domain name for your Symphony environment:${composer.schema}${zoomdata.base-url}/visualization/#{'$'}{}
Where {composer.schema}=#{${server.ssl.enabled}?'https':'http'}://
and zoomdata.base-url=${server.address:localhost}:${server.port:8080}${server.servlet.context-path}
Stand Alone Embedded Environment
Include the static fully qualified domain name for your Symphony environment:{'$'}{}
Multi-Tenancy Environment
In a multi-tenancy environment, include the static fully qualified domain name for your Symphony environment:
Default Tenant Internal Users{'$'}{User.tenant | 'composer' }/visualization/#{'$'}{}
Then define a
{ "key": "", "value": "${}", "encrypted": 'true' or 'false' }
Multi-Tenancy Embedded Environment
In a multi-tenancy embedded environment, include the static fully qualified domain name for your Symphony environment:
Default Tenant Internal Users{'$'}{User.tenant | 'composer' }/visualization/#{'$'}{}
Tenant Users Embedded Environment{'$'}{User.tenant}/visualization/#{'$'}{}
All dashboard URLs are driven by a single User.tenantUrl
. For example:{'$'}{User.tenant | 'composer' }/visualization/#{'$'}{}