Invoke an Action

This applies to: Visual Data Discovery

If an action template has been defined and enabled for a data source configuration, the associated action can be invoked from a visual on your dashboard that uses the data source. The invoked action:

  • Creates a query definition based on the filters applied to the visual and on the data and limit specifications in the associated action template.
  • Sends the query definition to your application. Your application can use the Symphony API to run the query and display or use the data that it collects.

You must be logged in as an administrator or as a user with the Invoke Actions privilege. In addition, the associated action templates must be enabled to be invoked from your visuals.

To control whether actions can be invoked on a visual, use the interactivity sidebar. See Control How Users Interact With a Visual.

To invoke an action from a visual:

  1. Make sure you are logged in as an administrator or a user with the Invoke Actions privilege.

  2. On the Home page, select the dashboard containing a visual that uses the data source for which you have defined and enabled one or more action templates.

  3. Filter or group the visual data as needed.

    For example, if you only want to send sales data from the state of Virginia to your external application, filter your sales data visual by the state of Virginia.

  4. Select an area of the visual to display the context menu and select Actions. A list of the action templates defined for the visual's data source appears.

    Alternatively, select Actions from the visual drop-down menu.

    If the Actions menu option does not appear on the context menu or the visual drop-down menu, an action template is either not defined or is not enabled for the data source used by the visual.

  5. Select an action template from the list. The action is invoked. A query is created and sent to your application. Use the Symphony API endpoint api/action in your application to run the query.

    API documentation is provided with your Symphony installation at this link: <symphony-URL>/discovery/swagger-ui.html.

    Some API endpoints are marked as experimental in the Swagger documentation we provide. These endpoints are in the early stages of design and are subject to change. We make no commitment to their stability and may remove them without notice. These experimental endpoints are not recommended for use in production.