List and Review Account Definitions

This applies to: Visual Data Discovery

To review account definitions:

  1. Log into Symphony as a supervisor of the account.

  2. Select the Users & Gropus option from the Tools menu in the main menu.

    Select Tools > Accounts from the main menu.

    The Manage Accounts work area opens. It lists the accounts that have been defined.

  3. To review an account, select its name in the list of accounts.

    The Edit Account page appears. It contains a single tab called General that allows you to disable the account. To determine whether a user is assigned to an account, see List and Review User Definitions.

    You can switch to a different account on the Edit Account page. Simply select the current account name shown in the Edit Account page title to see the Select Account(s) dialog listing all your accounts. Select the account name you want to switch to in the dialog.